Humans o bots?

Interessant reflexió de Tim Harford sobre les xarxes socials: Propaganda is not new. And there are benefits from social media: it gives a platform to all sorts of people who deserve to be heard. But it is hard to make the case that social media has led to a more thoughtful, rigorous or compassionate discourse about politics. Amid the bullying, the misogyny, and the endless outrage, it’s hard to tell the bots and the people apart, largely because so many humans have lowered themselves to the level of the bots....

  03 de febr. 2020      2 min      283 paraules

Nou? O millor millor?

Finally, Sophos reported that Microsoft and FBI have taken down over 1400 botnets by disabling the software that creates them. Now, if they can just disable the people who write the software in the first place, the world will be a happier place. Nata’s Corner a la newsletter d’ExpertsExchange de 19 de juny de 2013 Tot i coincidir amb la frase final, no m’acaba de quedar clar si quan parla de la gent que escriu software es refereix als que escriuen codi perquè el teu ordinador quedi zombie dins d’una botnet o als de les companyies (programadors o responsables, tant és) que permeten que això passi…...

  21 de juny 2013      1 min      144 paraules